Amplifying single-tool DAST with Continuous Security Testing

Discover how professionally-managed DAST can exponentially improve your application security.

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Amplifying single-tool DAST with Continuous Security Testing

Katie Koss Katie Koss
Brad Bahls Brad Bahls

SaaS companies looking to strengthen their security posture often employ Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) as an essential part of their strategy.

With many automated DAST tools on the market, it can be tricky to work out which is best for your business - not just in terms of cost, but also in terms of resource and infrastructure requirements. But self-managed DAST is not the only option.

While the cost of a managed DAST service may appear higher on the surface, you need only lightly scratch that surface to discover that not only is managed DAST more thorough and robust, but it’s ultimately more cost-efficient as well.

Problem: DAST is expensive and complex, requiring infrastructure and specialisation

Application security testing is a powerful way to interrogate and strengthen your software’s defenses, and automated DAST tools are great for expediting this process. But in the hands of a non-specialised operator, the ongoing running and management of automated DAST tools can quickly spiral into a costly exercise.

From installation to set-up and configuration, the management of automated DAST tools is often relegated to in-house infrastructure or development teams who have little to no experience using them.

Solution: GlitchSecure DAST experts have professional infrastructure already in place

We’ve explored and documented the hidden cost of self-managed DAST, and are firm believers in the unmatched value that trained experts offer in application security testing.

Our team of experts are highly skilled in all the latest automated testing tools. We oversee the installation, the version updates, the configuration, the operation and the verification. We save your team all the effort of familiarising themselves with a new platform, learning to operate and interpret results, and compiling reports.

Problem: DAST is noisy, often returning false positives

False positives are common when it comes to DAST tools, but the act of identifying them is not as straightforward as it might sound. What may be a vulnerability in one environment is not necessarily cause for concern in another, and often it takes the eyes of an experienced security professional to spot the difference.

Your highly-paid software engineers are critical to the success of your SaaS product, but it’s unlikely they’re also security experts. With a workload already susceptible to scope-creep, why suffer the cost of having engineers spend precious hours managing such specialised security tools?

Solution: GlitchSecure hackers cut through the noise, delivering zero false positives

Our experienced team is adept at reading between the DAST lines to identify and distill the genuine vulnerabilities that your team needs to know about.

A typical DAST tool might return hundreds of potential findings. The human cost of interpreting those can be prohibitive when left to the layperson, but GlitchSecure’s trained hackers can verify those results far more efficiently.

Our team delivers only the security insights that matter, allowing your engineers to focus on remediation efforts.

Problem: DAST tools each have unique strengths and weaknesses

Evaluating all the available self-managed DAST tools begs the question: which one do you choose?

Even putting aside the internal resource requirements of each, there’s still the labour of comparing features and costs while ensuring you have an ‘apples-to-apples’ scenario on your hands.

There’s a lot of pressure to get it right!

Solution: GlitchSecure consolidates multiple DAST tools into one platform

GlitchSecure’s Continuous Security Testing service delivers the best of all worlds.

Far from relying solely on a single tool, our offering combines the top open-source and commercial DAST tooling with expert security professionals who ensure those tools are tailored to your specific environment.

Using best-in-class commercial and open-source tools, we configure, manage, interpret, and advise.

GlitchSecure Continuous Security Testing vs. a single self-managed DAST tool? No contest - our Continuous Security Testing is easier, faster, provides better coverage, and superior results.

Full-service security partnership

If you’re looking for more than occasional in-house use of an automated DAST tool, our Continuous Security Testing service can bring tangible benefits to your application security.

With a robust quality assurance process, we ensure the results we deliver are verified and prioritised. GlitchSecure improves DAST for your business by:

Your business enjoys far better testing coverage, expert eyes, professional security advice, and greater peace of mind.

If you’d like to learn more about how GlitchSecure can improve DAST for your business, we’d love to chat. Book some time with us here.

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